Just as Ye Fu had previously told Officer Song, snakes are a species that hold grudges. They not only like to occupy territories but also prefer to move around in a certain fixed area. Most snakes live in groups, like the King Cobra, but they also have a habit of cannibalizing, with larger snakes eating smaller ones.

So, when Ye Fu pulled back the curtains again and saw the same blue-banded sea snake from yesterday coiling outside her window, her mindset underwent a significant change. It wasn't fear she felt, but a strange impulse to dominate and hunt it.

Snakes are ectothermic animals; their blood changes with the temperature. Books say snake blood is fishy and astringent. Folklore claims that snake blood is highly nutritious, capable of strengthening the kidneys and boosting vitality.

While Ye Fu planned how to quickly kill it, the snake was also cautiously observing her.

In that moment, a human and a snake, separated by glass, were making the most straightforward assessments of each other.

Ye Fu wanted to protect her home, her only safe zone. She needed to drive away this "intruder." The snake, seeking to claim the territory, would need to kill the original inhabitant. This was a battle to defend her home. Under the snake's gaze, Ye Fu took out a piece of fresh meat, a military knife, and a crossbow, all smeared with homemade poison. She cautiously opened the window just five centimeters wide.

Luring the snake required speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness. Ye Fu held her breath, her knees slightly bent. The hot, foul air from outside mingled with her breath, filling her nostrils. She focused solely on the slowly approaching blue-banded sea snake, dismissing all distractions.

Perhaps sensing danger, the snake did not rush in, instead engaging in a patience contest with Ye Fu. But how could she lose to it? Today, she would show this snake what the ultimate hunter truly was.

A sudden attack is characteristic of snakes when hunting. It only takes a second. When it strikes, cutting off its head would bring Ye Fu victory. She just had to wait for the perfect moment.

Ye Fu slightly adjusted her standing position, suddenly contemplating the possibility of snake blood splashing onto her face during the kill. The warm, fishy blood might cover her face, and if she accidentally tasted it, she might lose her appetite for a month.